Driving the carpool this morning, a man waved at me. Insignificant as it sounds it made my morning. My husband and I reside in the same semi-small town in which I was raised. Growing up, it was all too common for pedestrians to give an enthusiastic wave to passing cars. I always noticed my father would be sure to wave back a each and every person. I remember it creating a sense of community. We didn't always know each other, but there was a common bond expressed through that shared greeting that made it seem we were all in this world together.
This morning, I passed a gentleman walking a burly dog. He stopped at the curb and and waved at me from under layers of sweater, coat and scarf. It was a small thing, but it made me think how important it is to warmly acknowledge one another.
Thinking these thoughts, I dropped my kids off at school and approached another intersection. Since the city is under seige by men in giant coats installing sidewalks, my normal route was closed. While quickly pondering which direction I should take, I unconsciously placed tip of the injured cuticle of the middle finger of my right hand to my mouth.
And there, in a show of solidarity, the driver opposite flipped me off .
Apparently we were blessed with different views of humanity this crisp morning.